3M Security films for child care centres on the Gold Coast.


The child care industry has experienced some incredible growth over the last decade. Most of these centres have adhered to the stringent standards required to operate a safe environment for the children in their care.
Some however, through negligence or naivety have not brought the glass up to the compliance of the Australian standards.
On the Gold Coast we experience some extreme weather temperatures that require us to have airflow and also natural light.
The glass in child care centres must meet the Australian standard requirements (AS1288- 2006 ).
If a child care centre doesn’t comply with these standards then the safety of our children will be at risk.
What are the Australian standards for glass in child care centres?
As with most laws and regulations, these standards are quite complicated however essentially stipulate that all windows and doors need to comply with the standard.
The latest update of this standard states that any glazed area that is accessible to children in a child care centre ( specifically at or below one metre above floor level ; .75 metres if the centre was approved prior to June 18th 2014) must use grade A safety glass required by the building code of Australia. This glass is tougher than normal glass and won’t into shards if broken, reducing the risk of injury.
It’s important to note that if a centre doesn’t install grade A safety glass a 3M security film must be installed. This brings the glass up to the requirements of the building code of Australia. Alternatively, the glass can be guarded by barriers that prevent access to the glass by children.
Clearly, it’s faster, easier and far less expensive to install 3M security film than all the other options.
What are 3M Security window films ?
3M window films are designed to reduce the risk of injuries caused by broken glass.They are installed over the entire glass, bonding the shards together, so if the glass is broken it doesn’t cause any injuries.
3M Security films can be installed to all sliding, hinged doors and windows.
When it comes to 3M Security films, you have 2 options: with or without a solar film. Both options are multi-layered giving unbelievable tear strength. The solar option will reduce heat, glare and u.v rays whilst providing natural light.
So to keep our children cool and safe call ALCOM TINT AND SECURITY ON 5529 9929.
